Friday, December 4, 2015

Blank page


the moment i wrote h e y, this post was no longer a blank page. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris (kemiskinan)

contoh teks pidato bahasa inggris tentang kemiskinan (poverty) 

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Good morning Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ertia Nursanti , I am a student and now studying at SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya. In this great occasion, I would like to talk about Poverty which is becoming one of the biggest world’s problem.

Have you ever thought about what it’s like to not have any food?  I am sure that most people do not have to worry about being hungry everyday. Just so you know, by the time you listen to my speech, there will have been millions people that are starving in the world. By the time you begin lunch, someone, somewhere in the world will have died because of not having food.

I am standing here because i want to  prevent that from happening. And I’m going to need your help.

Ladies and gentlemen, There are currently 925 million people live below the poverty line today.  Poverty.  Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not being able to go to school, not knowing how to read, not being able to speak properly. Poverty is not having a job, fear for the future and living one day at a time. Poverty is powerlessness, poverty is lack of  freedom. Unfortunately, poverty is often an invisible problem.

Ladies and gentlemen, we must have known that poverty has become the most critical economic issue in our country. Those Luxury buildings in the big cities like Jakarta and surabaya cannot give us the real picture of Indonesia. We have to open our eyes that one part of the real indonesia is.....Our brothers and sisters are out there suffering food crisis.

As we see it, There are so many causes of today’s poverty.  Well, There is no need to talk about what causes poverty. But the more we understand the main causes of poverty, the more things we can do to fix it. so, what Actually causes poverty in Indonesia?

First, Lack of education.  Lack of education relies to not learning the neccessary skills to succeed in a carreer field. If you can’t read or do basic math, if you can’t show up for work and apply yourself, you will not have a job. Lack of education causes unemployment and unemployment causes poverty.  To solve this problem, the governments and individuals must be aware of it and treat it seriously.  Although this situation can’t be changed completely, at least  it can be improved.

Second, Rapid Population Growth. Our population is growing rapidly. yet our human resources are limited. The growth in population creates problems for us. For example : Today, our population is 10; tomorrow  it will be  100 and so on. We need more food, more houses, and more hospitals for them. But we have no money to spend on development projects. The ever-growing rate of population must be checked  to fix poverty in indonesia.

Third, Corruption and black-money. There are corruptions in every walk of life. There is inefficiency in offices. People have become selfish. They neglect the national interests. Black money causes the problem of rising prices. Some people may have all the privileges. But many others are suffering. Black money affects our economy. It causes poverty. Government needs  to take a serious action to the corruptor or poverty can never be solved.
Fourth, Gap between the rich and the poor. The widening gap between the rich and the poor is also responsible for Indonesia’s poverty. The rich are growing richer. The poor are growing poorer. This economic gap between the two must be reduced. Our social system should be changed as one of the solution for the poverty in indonesia.

Ladies and gentlemen, regarding what I Have said before, What do you think about it? should we do nothing ? No. We have to Stand together  and face the problem as soon as possible. Poverty is not a uncontrollably disease, it is not wild fire. It can be controlled as long as we have a faith that we can controll it. let's start thinking about what we can do to slowly but surely remove poverty. even if it's just a small action, Let's take a part to make our country a better place.
So, That’s all my speech thankyou for your attention and good morning.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.wb 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Tulisan Singkat tentang mimpi


Langit memanglah akan tetap sama, Namun melihatnya dari sebuah sudut yang berbeda tentu akan memberi sensasi yang berbeda pula.  Aku percaya, Mereka orang-orang yang telah melihat langit dari berbagai sudut yang berbeda akan mengerti. Meski aku sendiri masih terus berharap akan mendapat kesempatan yang sama.  Pergi ke luar negeri, berjaket tebal, Cokelat panas, salju, musim panas yang begitu heboh, serta setumpuk Buku berbahasa inggris atau asing lainnya.

Harapan tanpa usaha memanglah sia-sia. Bukannya aku tak mau usaha, Aku hanya bingung harus memulai dari mana. Angka nol yang masih sebatas nol ialah dimana tepat aku berdiri sekarang. Impian ke Luar negeri masih terlihat jauh. Sangat Jauh.

Aku percaya, Perlahan angka nol akan menjadi satu, dua, tiga, hingga seratus. Aku tak ingin menetap pada hasil yang sebenarnya tak ada. Menyombongkan diri karena merasa hebat berbahasa inggris, sementara ketika kenyataan yang berbicara, belum prestasi akademik ataupun non akademik yang pantas dibanggakan yang pernah ku raih. Semua masih terlihat begitu semu.

Hari ini, mimpiku begitu menggebu. Harapku begitu dalam hingga memecah tangisku seketika. Aku masih tetap berada di angka nol. Mungkin nol koma satu. Entahlah. Dada ini terasa sesak ketika mata baru saja menyaksikan seorang anak manusia berada dimana seharusnya aku berada, seorang sebaya yang telah menggenggam apa yang seharusnya ku genggam.  Jejak mimpinya telah berlabuh, selangkah lebih jauh dari angka nol.

Aku tak akan bertahan pada angka nol lebih lama lagi. Tak akan. Aku harus segera bangun, Menghadapi realita yang sungguh tak bisa ku lalui hanya dengan sebuah mimpi. Mimpi tadi malam, akan menjadi sebuah tujuan esok pagi dan ku pastikan akan menjadi realita esok hari atas izin Allah.

Tulisan ini, ku pastikan ialah langkah awal yang ku ambil. Semoga aku dapat memulai semuanya dengan sebuah tulisan. Amin YRA. 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Cerpen tentang Guru

Penggemar karya sastra tentu telah menemukan beberapa definisi menakjubkan sebuah kehidupan, Sebagian dari seniman penuh kata telah merangkainya menjadi untaian kalimat penuh makna yang dapat menyentuh siapa saja yang membacanya. aku disini tak berniat mendefinisikan arti kehidupan. Seperti, apa itu hidup? Dan setumpuk masalah didalamnya. Aku disini untuk memberitahu apa yang kau tak tahu dan tak mau tahu.

Aku hanyalah hamba pendusta yang selalu bertanya akan selimut surga.  Aku hanyalah seorang hamba yang selalu memimpikan lapangnya pahala. Berbagai dermaga mimpi telah kubangun, berbagai jejak mimpi anak manusia telah kupaksa berlabuh, Mengarungi lautan lepas yang membawa mereka semakin jauh dari dekapku. Sungguh aku tak ingin melepas buai mimpi mereka sebelum berubah menjadi sebuah realita Jika saja tak ada batas waktu diantara kami, Jika saja.

Aku ialah orang yang menyayangimu dibawah ayah dan Ibumu. Jiwaku telah terbagi menjadi puluhan bahkan ratusan raga yang siap mengantarmu ke depan pintu gerbang Masa depan cerahmu. Ketika kau seusia balita, itulah saat pertama ku ajarkan padamu apa yang kau tak tahu. Itulah saat pertama ku perkenalkan kau pada 26 jajaran alfabet. Itulah  saat pertama ku ajarkan padamu bagaimana cara berhitung dan membaca. Ketika kau mencium tanganku dan kembali pada dekap ayah dan ibumu, Perasaan lega dan bangga terus mengendap dalam segenap hatiku. Aku bahagia atas keberhasilanku memberimu ilmu yang ku yakin pasti akan berguna dalam kehidupanmu kelak.

Ketika kau berusia belasan, saat itulah kau habiskan hampir sebagian besar waktumu bersamaku.  Aku begitu menyayangimu melebihi apa yang kau pahami tentang kasih sayangku padamu. Terkadang aku ialah gelap yang kau hindari dan di lain waktu terang yang kau cari-cari. Aku selalu memberikan kebebasan bagimu untuk menentukan siapa aku, Aku ialah sahabat yang kau cintai dan musuh yang kau benci.

Ketika aku harus menyelamatkanmu dari perbuatan curang, Kau panggil aku ‘malaikat pencabut nyawa’ dan setumpuk sebutan naas lainnya.  Aku tidak akan menyalahkanmu atas semua hinaan dan makianmu untukku. Tidak pernah. Nak, aku memahami keterbatasan pengetahuanmu tentang dunia luar yang belum kau tahu. Dunia yang cepat atau lambat akan kau hadapi. Dunia yang tak bisa kau awali dengan sebuah kecurangan. Maka dari itu, Aku harus menyelamatkanmu. Sekali lagi, Tugasku ialah mengantarmu ke depan gerbang kesuksesan yang tak bisa kau mulai dengan berbuat curang.

Ketika aku memberimu Tugas yang harus kau selesaikan tepat waktu, Lagi-lagi kau menutup mata batinmu dengan ketidakikhlasan. Tak apa nak, aku mengerti. Aku mengerti bahwa kegelapan pikiranmu akan kerasnya kehidupan di masa yang akan datang  masih menjadi belenggu.  Aku tahu kau begitu lelah hingga hampir tak mampu menyelesaikan semua tugas yang ku berikan. Sesungguhnya, aku hanya ingin memberimu bekal kehidupan jika kelak kau tak lagi berada di dekapku. Aku ingin mengenalkanmu pada tangga-tangga menuju puncak mimpimu. Tangga-tangga yang hanya bisa kau tempuh dengan kedisiplinan dan tanggung jawab. Tangga-tangga yang hanya mampu kau lalui dengan ketabahan dan keikhlasan. Sungguh betapa bahagianya aku jika suatu saat, aku dapat melihatmu berdiri diatas puncak impianmu yang telah kau bangun bersamaku. Meski ku hanya bisa menatapmu dari kejauhan.

Ketika batas waktu diantara kita telah tiba, itulah saat aku benar-benar cemas. Aku begitu takut kau akan percaya pada keputusasaan. Aku begitu takut kau akan mengalah pada kegagalan. Meski begitu, aku memenuhi segala celah pikiranku bahwa kau tak akan gagal. Aku percaya bahwa kau akan berpegang pada sekelumit bekal yang telah ku berikan kepadamu untuk terus berjuang mewujudkan segala impianmu. Aku percaya bahwa kelak kau akan kembali datang menyapaku dengan aura kesuksesan yang terpancar cerah dalam tubuhmu.

Ketika kau telah berhasil berada diatas puncak impianmu, saat itulah aku berharap kau datang  untuk sekedar menyapaku, sebagai isyarat kau masih mengigatku. Aku sama sekali tak beralih dari tempatku berpijak sebelumnya. Saat itulah, aku merupakan sebagian yang Kau kenang dan kau lupakan. Saat itulah, Aku berada dalam ruang kesadaran akan usiaku yang semakin tua, akan tugasku yang segera atau telah berakhir, akan keberhasilanku menuai jasa meski hanya terlihat bagai masa lampau yang samar dibenakmu. Meski begitu, aku tetap bangga. Aku bangga menyaksikan sebongkah perjuanganku di masa lalu telah mencapai titik keberhasilan. Aku bangga. Aku bangga Padamu, Muridku. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Mengonversi Teks cerita Sejarah "Huruf Braille" menjadi bentuk teks Lain

Mengonversi teks cerita sejarah "Huruf Braille" menjadi bentuk Puisi


Karya : Ertia Nursanti Eryatna 

Di Sebuah kota penuh cinta
semula kau hidup dalam gulita
Bagimu legam ialah nyata
Sebab angan sebatas warna

Konon Membaca hanyalah khayal belaka
Tak begitu mudah kau percaya
Temuan barbier tak hentinya kau terka
Hingga tercipta sebuah mahakarya

Beribu Mata menatap ragu
Meski mimpimu masih menggebu
Terus kau sentuh berjuta kalbu
Hingga mereka pada pihakmu

Kau tinggalkan dunia fana
Tinggalkan jasa Juga nama
Louis braille, engkau memang telah tiada
Huruf braille,  tetap ada menatap Jua 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

contoh News Text

Sebuah News text yang pernah saya bacakan pada suatu event. 
contoh teks berita dalam bahasa inggris
semoga bisa membantu^^

Good morning viewers
I am..........from 
Indonesia currently has an estimated endowment for education reaching 20 trillion rupiahs. The amount of value ought to maintained in order to ensure education for future generations.
acting head of fiscal policy agency (BKF) ministry of finance andin hadiyanto said the endowment will be important to keep pace with the number of people per education and high per education Indonesia compared with other countries.
the number of ratios, doctoral against indonesia's population is very remote, as an example is only 146 doctors in indonesia, malaysia has 500, japan 6,500, in the USA 10 thousand.
in addition to finance education, according to andin, the fund can also be used to build infrastructure such as school education disaster region.
for information, education endowment fund is an initiative of sri Mulyani in 2010 who was then serving as finance minister.
the funds collected from the allocation of the education budget by 20 percent in the state budget that is set aside between 1 percent - 2 percent. this endowment fund managed by the institute of education fund management (LPDP) and invested in deposits and government securities
this is the news for today stay tuned with.....................

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Contoh Cerpen dalam bahasa Inggris

cerpen dalam bahasa inggris (short stories) yang dimaksud para guru pemberi tugas biasanya memang sedikit berbeda dengan sekedar recount/narrative text (meskipun menurut saya kedua teks tersebut juga tergolong short stories). namun, sebagai siswa yang baik hendaknya kita memenuhi kriteria tugas yang ditetapkan *halah 
soooo, pada post kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah cerpen dalam bahasa inggris yang saya buat beberapa waktu lalu.
semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menjadi contekan yang tinggal copy paste *JK xD. Let me know if there's any wrong grammar/words anyway^^. 

contoh cerpen bahasa inggris

First and Last Time.
it was the first day of february. I woke up this morning and looked out my window, The wet water was floating its way to the earth.  I could tell it was a rainy and dull day, there was enough reason to cancel school. Literally.  I walked down the stairs and saw mother drinking coffee while my little brother finishing his breakfast.
“You’re gonna skip school aren’t you?” Mom asked.
“No mom, I gotta go. I have an exam today” I said kissing her cheek then walking out the house to dad and his black car which was ready to drive me to school.
i walked into the school and spotted a classmate of mine, Brooke! A very tall and pretty girl, Her hair was long and dyed dark brown. Me and her have known each other since we were on middle school. She was a clever girl, has always gotten A at math since the freshman year.
“Hey brooke. You look tired” i greet her.
“hey dakota. I really am! Kinda bored of waking up early huh” she said and sigh.
“ahh right, I wasn’t really in the mood to go all the way to school this morning” i replied.
“gotcha” she said smiling at me.
We walked into the class and decided to be a deskmates. Ritchie and patricia sat in front of us. While my best friends, Lox and summer sat behind us. Five of them were smart and dilligent students, it was like they seldom got a bad grades. I could tell that I was around smart people at that time.
The first subject was chemistry, Six of us had to passed the second chance to improve our grades, yeah we got the remedial. Like i said, Ritchie, patricia,lox,summer, and brooke were smart, but not at chemistry. Nobody was. No one passed the exam well, it was sad to see the best score was C, We all got remedial.
the next subject was indonesian, Nobody likes it. The teacher was so boring and she was kind of racist. Besides, she has always given us a lot of tasks and homework, we weren’t in a good mood to stay so we decided to skip the class. It was our first time skipping a class.
First, we went to the  healthy room because brooke thought We could pretend to be ill if the teacher asked why we were not in class during lesson time. Everything was going fine until a tall skinny woman (seems like a teacher) came and asked us what we are doing.
“sorry ma’am i got such a bad headache so i think i need to stay here for a while” Brooke said, touching her stomach.
“I’m on my period and i feel really bad all around my body ugghh” Summer told the teacher, pretending to be sick.
“get well really soon” the tall-skinny woman replied.
Nothing was really happened, I had no idea why my heart was beating so fast, even faster than the wind.
“I feel you dakota” ritchie said.
“ I think we all feel the same” I replied.
“Let’s get the hell outta this damn place” patricia Shouted
So we went to the library, I thought it was the safest place to avoid the teacher. We started to regret our actions, it was even worse than just sat for hours and listened to the teacher’s lecture. Suddenly, a teacher came to the library. She was not even realized that we were skipping class or something. But still, Our hearts was beating faster than it supposed to.
 we decided to go to the 3rd floor knowing there was only 15 minutes left for indonesian class. So we spent our time talking and busy with our cell phones until a strange footsteps suprised us.
“Busted” I snapped
“No, it doesn’t sound like someone up the stairs” lox tried to calm me down
The bell rang indicating indonesian class was over, So we went back to the class with the sense of relief. It was my first time and I thought it would be the last for skipping class. I sat, thinking about what i had done, yes! I made a mistake, and it made me feel uncomfortable and always in fear. I believe i could learn great things from the mistake i had made. No one is perfect, That’s why pencils have erasers.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Contoh Hortatory exposition

Pengertian Hortatory exposition (Hortatory exposition definiton)

Hortatory exposition ialah salah satu teks yang bersifat persuatif dimana teks tersebut bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi pembaca pada sudut pandang penulis terhadap suatu permasalahan. 
Hortatory exposition is a persuative text which has a purpose to persuade the readers to the writer's views on a problem/situation

Generic structure hortatory exposition
  • Thesis
  • arguments
  • recommendation
Contoh Hortatory expostition


   Studying is student's obligation. they do not only have to study at school but also at home. therefore, the amount of homework is given to students. yes, homework should be given because it helps the student to understand what is taught in the class, homework is not a problem, but the amount of homework should definitely be reduced. I'm not saying schools should abolish homework, it just needs to be reduced. 
       The first reason that homework should be reduced is that student need time to relax and take their minds off work. the responbility to complete homework every night is quite daunting for most children. they need time to to refresh their minds and bodies.These days, student need to deal with more than 12 subjects in their classes, and every subject give them pressure of having to finish their homework on time.

      secondly, it reduces or even takes away student's free time. always doing homework even on saturday and sunday can lead to less time for activities. it creates less time for sports and other after school activities. hanging out with friends is decreased, so that means there is less socializing. staying up late and doing homework also reduce a student's sleep time

       thirdly, too much homework can encourage cheating because student end up copying off one another in an attempt to finish all their assignments, then end up being rewarded for cheating which doesn't give them benefit at all.

      in conclusion, homework should be reduced. we musy recognize that students' time is limited. teacher should at least speak with other teachers to limit homework from each subject, so that students have at least one or two hours to relax after a hard day at school


Kumpulan Contoh Puisi dalam Bahasa Inggris (some examples of poems)

membuat puisi dalam bahasa inggris sebenarnya relatif mudah. jika dibandingkan dengan puisi bahasa indonesia yang dapat dengan mudah kita apresiasi indah atau tidaknya (semakin tinggi diksi semakin indah), puisi dalam bahasa inggris terkesan lebih indah jika pilihan kata yang digunakan sederhana dan makna didalamnya mudah teridentifikasi.

berikut ini ialah beberapa contoh Puisi dalam bahasa inggris dengan tema yang berbeda

contoh I puisi tentang Cinta (patah hati)

"Good Friend"

If only could i fall into your arms
i just might never let you go
if only could i go through a war
i would do everything to win your heart

You told me you loved her
instilling the pain like arrows in my heart
you said i was a good friend
it was blue knowing the truth that i couldn't be more

here i am as a good friend
still thinking about being by your side
through every type of weather,
i will always be right beside you

because i am a good friend
whose heart is locked up
who is still waiting for the chance
to see that you may love me

Contoh II puisi Lingkungan (environment)

Will we do Nothing?

our mother nature stops smiling
shed a tear every day and night
its blue is almost gone
turns into the dark brown all the way

there's no bike but car
there's no buffalo but tractor
there's no hut but high house
there's no wood but zoo

our mother nature is in pain
lost her heath time by time
lost her blue day by day
lost her greeb year by year

no one knows
no one wants to know
no one cares
no one wants to care
will we do nothing?

i don't think so.

Contoh III. Puisi tentang masa kecil (poems about childhood / growing up)

Did you remember?

Did you remember?
when the world seemed to be fair?
when war was only a card game?
when the sun had eyes and hug smile?
when the universe was around toys?

Did you remember?
when mother's arms were the safest place to hide?
when dad's shoulders were the highest place on earth?
when homework was just about what color you should pick?
when we couldn't wait to grow up?

there was a time when we lived in our dreams
when love was just the shape of a heart
the time when our hearts didn't have a black
the time that would never come back

the amazingly great childhood
the thing that i will never forget.